Christmas is about giving and in the spirit of the holidays we have a very special gift for you!

This year's holiday giveaway has something for everyone. Though it's been a while since the series, most of us never tire of hearing our favorite cast members reminisce about what it was like on the set. During the filming of Dr. Quinn, some of our cast were interviewed by Pat Brown on her radio program, Time for Women' (Don't let the title fool you, Pat made 'time" for William Shockley, Joe Lando and Larry Sellers!) Also included in the interviews were Barbara Babcock, Jonelle Allen and a full 30 minutes with Jane Seymour. We can't give everyone this wonderful audio tape so we've decided on a contest to find one lucky winner to present it to.

How did Barbara Babcock feel about Dorothy's romance with Cloud Dancing? What was the most 'challenging' part of kissing Joe Lando? What would William Shockly have asked Jane Seymour if given the opportunity regarding 'his' character Hank? All this and more are on this one tape.

And the winner is......# 42 Magali Vincent, of Alaska!

Congratulations Magali and thank you to all who entered the contest. Have a wonderful Christmas!