The DQ Times would like to first of all thank A&E Television for it's continued support of our website and for sponsoring the DVD prizes for our contest once more. We would also like to extend our deepest appreciation to Beth Sullivan, Creator, and Executive Producer of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, for taking time out of her busy schedule to judge these essays and without whom there would have been no Dr. Quinn. Lastly, thank you to all who submitted your entries for sharing your personal stories with us and for illustrating so beautifully why this show continues to win hearts all over the world.

The following audio message sent to us by A&E from Shawn Toovey and Chad Allen to the fans of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman was done while recording commentary for the 5th season Dr. Quinn DVD. (set to be released on January 25th 2005)

Shawn and Chad, thank you for your continued support and for six very special years, none of us will ever forget!

A message from Shawn and Chad

In an interview which Beth Sullivan did for the DQ Times, we asked her what she was trying to say through Dr. Quinn. Here was her response-

" Don't lose heart. An individual can make a difference. Don't feel swept up and swallowed by the world that makes us feel so small and insignificant. Rely on each other and help each other." - Beth Sullivan-

A contest such as this has the same subjective element for the one judging as the one writing. How does one judge someone's thoughts and feelings? For this reason we feel all the essays sent to us should be considered 'winning essays' as they all captured so beautifully what made Dr. Quinn special for that person. Unfortunately only 4 could be chosen for the sake of this contest. Because the quality of all the essays was so exceptional however, we will be posting a few entries a month (not just the winning entries)to the website.

The following 4 essays were chosen by Beth Sullivan as the winners of the DQ Times Favorite episode contest. Each in their own way, pays tribute to what made this program so special and why it, and the incredible people that gave it to us, will always have a special place in our hearts. Two runner up entries were also chosen who will receive specially selected 'bonus' prizes.

Below, Beth shares some insight into how she ultimately judged the contest entries.

"I had a heck of a time staying neutral between what the show meant to the audience, and what it meant to me, so I've chosen those that I felt best understood and felt the full breadth of what I intended from day one. I was also influenced by the global aspect of the show, as some of my choices aren't from the U.S. I've always felt that the sort of humanity that needed to be portrayed had to have no national, class, racial, ethnic, religious or sexual boundaries, and also had to be timeless, residing in the realm of ethics and morals that lie at the heart of what a meaningful life is at any point in the past, present or future."- Beth Sullivan-

Congratulations to our 4 essay winners and 2 runner ups!