These are Debbie's 4 legged children, Mischief, ( Who me? I did't do it!)
Tucker ( They're such troublemakers don't you think? ) and Marcy. (It's all about ME!)

Debbie Scott (DQ Times staff)

In November of 2004, Debbie lost Mischief to a debilitating disease. She will be sorely missed.

This is Bubblegum Empire (Bubby)

He is a four year old thoroughbred.

He is my baby

Janine Barrett

This is Misty

She is a twelve year old lilac siamese cat who thinks she is a dog. In the warm weather she will wait for me on the balcony and when she sees me walk into the parking lot of our apartment building she will come running, meowing all the way. I half expect her to wag her tail when she greets me. She is very vocal when she doesn't get her way. I have gotten several good scoldings for letting her out on a cold night and not being there immediately to let her in when she is ready to come back inside.

Misty was a happy little kitten until one day in January of 1993 a program came on television called Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. Since then, Misty's life has never been the same! All she knows is that when home, I am usually working on the computer, or when not home, heading off for some Jane/ DQ related event instead of paying attention to HER!

Needless to say she is a fan of neither Jane Seymour nor Dr. Quinn for this reason. She has tried everything from sitting in front of the computer screen to walking on the keyboard all to no avail. Poor Misty, such is the life of a quinnatic's cat! -

Mary Ann Marino

This is Lily

Lily is a German Shephard mix of unknow relatives. She is about 9 years old.  I found her at a rescue place called Hotterville.  Apparently Lily have been in a number of homes, and didnt do well.  As with most shephards, Lily is a one person dog. I dont think anyone would ever attempt to try to enter this house, or harm me.  The only other person she has made friends with is my 30 year friend who visits from California Lily is well mannered, trained, also obeys hand signals. She can tell time, when it comes to treats

Loves  yogurt and ice cream. Treasures bones, buries them until they are ripe, then chews on them for weeks. When outside, if I am coming into the yard, she picks up one of her treasure bones and brings it to me.  As you can see by her photo, Lily does like to pose.

Rose Ross

Here is a pic of my dog, Katie. She is named after Katie Scarlett from Gone With the Wind, but it is also a tribute to Katie Quinn, and Jane's daughter, Katie. She is a 3 yr old "mixed breed" dog I rescued from a shelter about 6 months ago.
Sandi Kenny

  Pippin has been a part of my family for 17 years now.. She is a great snuggle dog...Whenever anyone was sick and  took up residence on the sofa, Pippin would be right there with them. Somehow it always made us feel better to have her there.
   With both of our children moved out now, it is just my husband Paul and I with what we lovingly call "Our Little Old Lady."
    Pippin has seen me through some pretty rough times in my life the last few years. I am trying to repay that loyalty by giving her all the TLC I can these days.

Sadly, in October of 2004, Penny and Paul's 'little old lady' passed away.

--- Penny Loefler (DQ Times Staff)

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